Influence your consumer's online decision-making

Transform your digital marketing from a gamble into a science

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Brands that trust JM
Introducing the
JM Influence System©

Transform your digital marketing from a gamble into a science

95% of companies are leaving money on the table with digital marketing. Not because they lack resources, but because they don’t know how to influence online purchase decisions. At JMarketing, we’ve turned this art into a science using human psychology and real-life insights. Watch the video below to learn how.

95% of companies are leaving money on the table with digital marketing. Not because they lack resources, but because they don’t know how to influence online purchase decisions.

“Superb agency. They stand out from other agencies because of their singular knowledge of buyer psychology”

Johnathan Pascall
Buddy Healthcare

Customer Survey Insights

We know the common issues our customers face. So we built a system to help fix them!

We uncovered the common issues our customers face

We know at some point during the last 12 months, one of the below comments will have rung a bell for you. Find out how JM can help overcome them all by booking a Digital Audit today!

Find out how JM can help overcome them all by booking a Digital Audit.

Request Digital Marketing Audit - Only $995

Scientifically review
your digital marketing!

Lock-in your digital marketing review

Watch the video for an overview of what to expect from our digital marketing audit.

What’s included?
  • Detailed review of analytics, website & marketing
  • Video report - Understand your marketing visually like never before
  • Actionable roadmap - The low-hanging fruit for immediate growth + long-term goals
Request Digital Audit

Customer success studies

Proof it works successfully for global businesses like yours!

See how we’ve driven success in global organisations across the world.

Warm leads increase
Advanced Business Abilities
Mobile conversion increase
Travelshoot by Luxury Escapes
Lead conversion increase
La Nina Restaurant
Mobile bookings increase
Zircon Interiors
Time on site increase
Conversion increase
Time on site increase
Kids First Group - Redwood
Sales leads increase
POPC Lounge App
Downloads on App store
VUKA Group - Enlit Africa Event
Average page view increase
The 9 Frictions of Resistance explained

Experience online sales or lead generation like never before

Experience online sales like never before

Overcome the 9 frictions of resistance and turn selling into a frictionless and straightforward process. Leverage the science of influencing decision-making to eliminate customer fears & confusion, turning prospects into buyers.

Leverage the science of influencing decision-making to eliminate customer fears & confusion.

1. Product Performance

Showcasing how your solution solves the customers problem fully helps you clear mindful resistance and ease decision-making

2. Expertise

When in doubt, humans lean on experience. Proving your authoritative expertise reduces fear of the unknown and builds trust and credibility

3. Product Durability

'Will this solution last?' is a common worry. By demonstrating your product's enduring worth helps overcome this concern in the mind

4. Product Pricing

Transparent pricing fosters trust. Providing a reference point keeps customers engaged, preventing them from seeking info elsewhere

5. Production Capacity

“Will they deliver as promised?” is a question in your prospects’ minds. Demonstrating a solid track record of success reassures customers

6. Timely Delivery

Unnecessary waiting triggers friction. Ensuring swift, convenient implementation keeps the buying cycle momentum going

7. Similar Clients

There’s two restaurants: one is crowded, the other is empty. Which one would you choose? When clients trust you, others will follow

8. Customer Service

Knowing someone's got your back calms uncertainty in the mind. Robust customer service assures clients they are never alone

9. Returns Policy/Guarantee

Overcome the deep-rooted fear of being taken advantage of by creating win-win situations for your customers with iron-clad guarantees.

The ‘9 Frictions of Resistance’ Explained

Experience online sales or lead generation like never before

Overcome the 9 frictions of resistance and turn selling into a frictionless and straightforward process. Leverage the science of influencing decision-making to eliminate customer fears & confusion, turning prospects into buyers.

1. Product Performance
Showcasing how your solution solves the customers problem fully helps you clear mindful resistance and ease decision-making
2. Expertise
When in doubt, humans lean on experience. Proving your authoritative expertise reduces fear of the unknown and builds trust and credibitlity
3. Product Durability
'Will this solution last?' is a common worry. Demonstrating your product's enduring worth helps overcome this concern in the mind
4. Product Pricing
Transparent pricing fosters trust. Providing a reference point keeps customers engaged, preventing them from seeking info elsewhere
5. Production Capacity
“Will they deliver as promised?” is a question in your prospects’ minds. Demonstrating a solid track record of success reassures customers
6. Timely Delivery
Unnecessary waiting triggers friction. Ensuring swift, convenient implementation keeps the buying cycle momentum going
7. Similer Clients
There’s two restaurants: one is crowded, the other is empty. Which one would you choose? When clients trust you, others will follow
8. Customer Service
Knowing someone's got your back calms uncertainty the mind. Robust customer service assures clients they are never alone
9. Returns Policy/Guarantee
Overcome the deep-rooted fear of being taken advantage of by creating win-win situations for your customers with iron-clad guarantees.
Download our 2024 Analyst Report

The ‘9 frictions’ that sink 85% of marketing

Learn agency secrets, how to overcome the psychological resistances that drive most marketing to failure. Understand the science so you can avoid making the same mistakes , and thus how to create world-class marketing that scales.

    As seen, heard & read

    brand10 brand11 brand12 brand13 brand14
    Our 2 Core Pillars For Online Domination

    How we use spatial memory and cognitive recognition to influence online

    Implement the same system that catapulted current industry leaders to unprecedented success. Our system is made by 2 core pillars: a high-converting website & targeted advertising strategies.

    Implement the same system that catapulted current industry leaders to unprecedented success.

    High-performance websites and landing pages

    Discover how our science-driven websites finally allowed clients to scale their digital marketing

    • See an immediate increase in website
      conversion rate
    • Influence customers to 'shortlist' your service over the competition
    • Stop wasting your media budget. Make your website your best salesperson
    Website services

    Decision-influencing digital marketing

    Transform your digital marketing into a world-class experience that maximises ROI

    • Create a world-class marketing structure implemented one step at a time
    • Receive ongoing insights about what influences customers to choose you
    • Influence decision-making at every step of the purchase process
    Marketing services

    Customer Testimonials

    The game-changing system
    that industry leaders rave about

    About JM Influence Agency
    Using psychology to influence decision-making

    We don't just optimise; we accelerate change. Our unique psychology-first approach allows us to use our scientifically proven system to help influence consumer decision-making and solve their wants and needs.

    We're not your ordinary agency either; we're your dedicated partners. We transform your current digital marketing efforts from a gamble into a precise science. Our approach isn't rooted in theoretical marketing strategies, but in understanding the human mind and using real-life insights.

    With over two decades of experience, our passion and expertise have guided countless agencies, in-house teams and businesses all over the world. We are dedicated to working with companies committed to being industry leaders and innovators.

    Experience the JMarketing difference, a partnership that turns scientific research into data-backed performance.

    Read more about us
    About JM Influence Agency
    Using psychology to influence decision-making
    man thinking

    We don't just optimise; we accelerate change. Our unique psychology-first approach allows us to use our scientifically proven system to help influence consumer decision-making and solve their wants and needs.

    We're not your ordinary agency either; we're your dedicated partners. We transform your current digital marketing efforts from a gamble into a precise science. Our approach isn't rooted in theoretical marketing strategies, but in understanding the human mind and using real-life insights.

    Learn more about JM
    Our International Client Roster

    Transforming global businesses into world-renowned brands

    We specifically seek partnerships with those committed to being the best. Our expert team, located in over 15 countries, dedicate their talent and skills to brands with an insatiable drive for global success.

    global map
    New York
    Cape Town